Sunday, March 8, 2009

Clicksor Tips and Trcisk to earn more.

Clicksor is a new advertiser & publisher program from Yesup, the company behind PayPopUp. The program is based on Cost Per Click (CPC) text advertisements superficially similar to Google AdSense. Clicksor offers webmasters (publishers) the opportunity to earn more income by simply underlining a selection of click able text (inline text links) or displaying targeted contextual ads (various sizes of banners) on their Web sites or blogs.

Clicksor Inline links are an interesting way to place ads without sacrificing screen space. But, there is no AdSense style targeting resulting in mostly irrelevant ads. The basic premise is that you free sign up and add your sites. You can have more than one, and tracking is separate, define your keywords and then place your ad codes. This keywords program is significantly worse than Google AdSense.

You are able to choose the type of advertisements to be shown on your Web site at a cost per click (CPC), cost per thousand impressions (CPM) and cost per visit (CPV) earnings based. You can earn up to 60% revenue share, depending on the performance the advertisers attain from your Web site placements.

Payments are based on two weeks schedule. That is every 15 days after your payment is released. You may select to receive your payments by check or Paypal with a minimum payout of $50.

1 comment:

  1. Are you looking to make money from your visitors by using popup advertisments?
    If so, did you know about Clickadu?


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